Gamalliel Sharon

I Love to Build Awesome Application.
You can see my Resume here

More About Me


Institut Teknologi PLN

Informatics Engineering


HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python

Google Cloud Platform


LIFF - Gamexo App

Dicoding submission for completing Belajar Membangun LINE Front-end Framework (LIFF) Course

Demo : Click Here

Darling App

Mobile first web for Technoscape BNCC x hackathon 3.0. (Team Bracket)

Demo : Click Here

AKM Towing Landing Page

AKM Towing is a company for Towing and Storing services and they need to revamp their profile company website, so I collaborate with the designer to revamp the landing page and implement it into their old website. I used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build AKM Towing Profile Company Website.

Demo : Click Here
